[sdiy] ST Discovery boards - Other Development Platforms

Terry Shultz thx1138 at earthlink.net
Fri May 12 19:01:14 CEST 2017

Check this site out

https://github.com/thi-ng/ws-ldn-4 <https://github.com/thi-ng/ws-ldn-4>

Pretty cool little project on ST board.


> On May 12, 2017, at 8:40 AM, charlie wallace <charlie at finitemonkeys.com> wrote:
> Thanks karsten,
> Currently i'm using mbed online, coocox with the older codesourcery
> compiler (which is pretty decent). I'm doing a design for a conference
> badge so i wanted todo the  lowest possible entry barrier for people
> so they can join in the fun , so the the mbed is great for that, its a
> shame that ST don't release their file system stlink to make it even
> easier for custom boards, so i ended up just buying a shed load of
> cheap stlink v2 clones, there is an open source firmware that should
> supply a similar drive system though, but i haven't tried it yet. and
> the wife just came in to tell me to go to work, otoh its the
> blackmagic one
> cheers
> On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 8:25 AM, Karsten Schmidt <info at toxi.co.uk> wrote:
>> Hi Charlie,
>> I've got a whole bunch of STM32 related projects from workshops I
>> taught over the last 2 years (for STM32F746-DISCO & STM32F4-DISCO
>> boards). For the last workshop I also switched to a nice/semi-modular
>> Makefile setup, so you only need to install the ARM toolchain, STLink
>> and the STMFxCube SDK:
>> https://github.com/thi-ng/ws-ldn-12 - contains complete synth project
>> & links to tools
>> Previous iterations (for which we were using Eclipse):
>> https://github.com/thi-ng/ws-ldn-7
>> Additionally, here's a list of STM related coding resources:
>> http://asm.thin.ng/
>> Also uploaded 2 video examples of the synth:
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41FKE3PYjnE (MIDI controlled)
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lL-ZxyrHiE (touchscreen GUI)
>> ...and a lot of demo tracks on Soundcloud:
>> https://soundcloud.com/forthcharlie/sets/stm32f4
>> This all is part of longer term project, developing a Forth-based
>> livecoding synth env for these boards, though progress has temporarily
>> stalled due to work...
>> https://github.com/thi-ng/synstack
>> Hope that helps!
>> On 12 May 2017 at 15:58, charlie wallace <charlie at finitemonkeys.com> wrote:
>>> even easier, go to mbed.com and use their online dev environment, it
>>> generates a bin on compile, that downloads, and if you have a nucleo
>>> discovery board you copy the file over to board via its  mounted usb
>>> drive the board flashes it on itself. if you decide the online isn't
>>> working out, it can export the project to multiple different
>>> ide's/compilers.
>>> On Thu, May 11, 2017 at 4:38 PM, Gordonjcp <gordonjcp at gjcp.net> wrote:
>>>> On Thu, May 11, 2017 at 12:08:54PM -0700, Scott Gravenhorst wrote:
>>>>> I've changed the subject line so as not to hijack the Audio Weaver thread.
>>>>> I was wondering if other development platforms can work with the Discovery boards - I'm interested
>>>>> in possibly using Linux (for example) with gcc and whatever else might be needed.  I'm looking for
>>>>> other free software methods and I'm not stuck on a need for libraries.  I would need both a way to
>>>>> compile (such as gcc) and a way to send the executable data to the Flash memory on the board.  I am
>>>>> still going to evaluate Audio Weaver, but I'd like to know about alternatives.
>>>> Trivially easy.  Get an ST "Discovery" board, because that has an ST-Link programmer on it that you can use for other boards.
>>>> Install gcc-arm-none-eabi using your package manager of choice, which will most likely pull in binutils-arm-none-eabi (these are Debianish names for it, ymmv).
>>>> Install STLink from source (get it on github) or OpenOCD.
>>>> Grab a copy of of libopencm3 and libopencm3-examples from github, and "make" them.
>>>> At that point there may be some minor fettling of paths involved, particularly if your build environment is as perverse as mine because Old Habits Die Hard.
>>>> You are now able to write, compile, link and upload "bare" binaries to your ST ARM chips, and a bunch of others.
>>>> --
>>>> Gordonjcp MM0YEQ
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>> --
>> Karsten Schmidt
>> http://postspectacular.com | http://thi.ng | http://toxiclibs.org
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