[sdiy] Audio Weaver for ST Discovery boards -Free!

Phillip Harbison alvitar at xavax.com
Wed May 10 14:46:07 CEST 2017

On 5/10/17 8:34 AM, Gordonjcp wrote:
> That's the bit I've no idea about.  Is there some kind of
> "Windows for Newbs" guide to doing that?

I've never looked but there probably is. I will be creating a
Windoze VM soon, probably this week. I will try to take notes
and perhaps some screen shots. There's really not much to it
other than saying "Go!"

> I've never really  used Windows before

You lucky dog!

> and I find it confusing as all hell,

Now you know why Go^H^HApple created Macs!

> not  being that much of a computer geek.

I am about 99% computer geek.

1% analog. ;)

I have designed and programmed bit-slice computers (e.g. AMD
2900 series). That's about as computer geeky as it gets.

Phil Harbison

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