[sdiy] Cheap PCB fabs

KRiSh krish0005 at gmail.com
Sun May 7 15:22:51 CEST 2017


I've been checking for cheap fabs where to do some simple small sized Dual
Layer (HASL, no special things like castellated, impedance check, blind
vias, etc) prototypes with some SMT components on them.

Which cheap fabs do you know, and in particular do you know if they also
provide some cost saving upon reorders, like tooling charge and NRE
discounts.. etc ?

(it seems that a lot of cheap ones don't provide any tooling charge
discounts given the price is already very low, so they simply say "if the
design doesn't change, the price stays fixed"..
i'd expect some costs could be cut when reordering  same designs, so i'm
suspecting this is related to how the chinese fabs *technically* arrange
and process orders..)

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