[sdiy] An apology

john slee indigoid at oldcorollas.org
Sun May 7 03:30:05 CEST 2017

On 5 May 2017 at 19:09, Rutger Vlek <rutgervlek at gmail.com> wrote:
> Also, I share Bruno's observation. I'm a former academic (still feeling
> like one) and saw many young friends suffer serious depressions (and
> variations to that), predominantly with work-related causes. I went through
> several years of such issues myself as well, and was shocked to find how
> surrounding employers and health care industry lack the understanding of
> what's needed for recovery. Many of them put their responsibility aside
> very quickly and point to "personal, internal causes". At the same time I
> discovered new support from other people when being open about my
> experiences, and basically feel like many many people have similar
> struggles (though not always open in admitting it).

Yup. After ~18 years in my profession, I finally ended up working for
someone who was an actual leader rather than merely a manager. I now
understand the difference between those two concepts. When I told him I
needed to see a therapist every week, he said to just do it and
specifically instructed me to not worry about making up the lost work time
— knowing that happier employees tend to do a better job in fewer hours
anyway. I am still amazed by this experience, and I wish it wasn't so rare.

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