[sdiy] An apology

Rutger Vlek rutgervlek at gmail.com
Fri May 5 11:09:10 CEST 2017

Hi Tim,

I wish you all the best, hope you recover well! And even while you're not fully recovered, I hope you can enjoy the small, beautiful things in life that incidentally happen.

Also, I share Bruno's observation. I'm a former academic (still feeling like one) and saw many young friends suffer serious depressions (and variations to that), predominantly with work-related causes. I went through several years of such issues myself as well, and was shocked to find how surrounding employers and health care industry lack the understanding of what's needed for recovery. Many of them put their responsibility aside very quickly and point to "personal, internal causes". At the same time I discovered new support from other people when being open about my experiences, and basically feel like many many people have similar struggles (though not always open in admitting it).



On 4 mei 2017, at 16:42, Bruno Afonso wrote:

> Hi Tim,
> I'm happy to hear you're on your way to recovery. I've unfortunately met a lot of brilliant people in the academic world that fell prey to depression and other mental issues and it can be heart wrenching. Seems like you got a good support group keeping your recovery on track, that's the most important. I look forward to your new creations :) 
> cheers
> b
> On Wed, May 3, 2017 at 12:04 PM Tim Ressel <timr at circuitabbey.com> wrote:
> Hello friends,
> I say friends knowing I may not have many left. I have been out of it
> for many months now, during that time I have treated some folks very
> badly. I am so very sorry for my behavior and hope that I can earn their
> forgiveness. At the very least I can make them whole, and that is what I
> am endeavoring to do now.
> [...]
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