[sdiy] Aaron Crams cem3394 interface question...

ordeish at aol.com ordeish at aol.com
Tue Jun 8 14:49:41 CEST 2010

 Hi all. I have had a 3394 sitting around and decided I'd make this interface for it. Questions are:

1) What is the voltage value of the 4.7 uf capacitor off of pin 17? Also, what is a good rule of thumb in knowing this value?

2) The 560 pF and 33nf caps have no polarity, does this mean they are ceramic disc caps? 

The schematic is at http://electro-music.com/forum/phpbb-files/cem3394_v2_163.pdf

Also, what would the voltage value for the non polarized caps?

Thanks everyone. It is exciting to start getting into things more in depth like this... Finally takig the plunge from kits and such!!

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