[sdiy] Want to trade parts for PCBs

David Holt dave_3283 at sbcglobal.net
Fri Jan 30 15:41:45 CET 2009

This is for all you MOTM and larger format builders out there.  I've gone with a more euro-frac sized setup and have a lot of parts I don't need anymore.  Numbers are approxomate until I can get home and count.  These are all unused, and what I'd like to trade for is un-populated PCBs.  Please feel free to e-mail with any offers:

70ish Switchcraft 112AX 1/4" switching phone plugs (Mouser- $1.52 ea)
40ish Bourns 91a 100k linear pots (Allied- $4.84 ea)
And I'm pretty sure I've got other unused Bourns 91a pots as well.  1M's maybe.  I'll check when I get home.

Is anybody interested in some trading?


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