[sdiy] Early Synth DIY/microcomputing CD of interest

Paul Dickow paul.dickow at gmail.com
Thu Jan 29 17:16:37 CET 2009

I bought this CD a while back and didn't get to listen in depth until just now:


In the late 70s early 80s these guys were using networked KIM-1's to
control Serge modules and who knows what else. Great pictures and
liner notes by some of the musicians (John Bischoff, Tim Perkis,
others) and John Leidecker (aka Wobbly)

Anyways there's not QUITE enough technical information to satisfy my
synth-DIY cravings but you kind of get the sense of this exciting time
in the more punk side of the SF Bay Area synth-and-computing scene,
sort of Mills College meets weirdo art space stuff. These guys have a
pre-MIDI serial networking thing going, plus aleatoric just-intonation
stuff programmed in machine language on modified hobbyists'
microcomputers. Or something??? It ranges from unlistenably harsh,
like SID chips getting drunk. Other parts are beautifully droney with
slowly fading characteristics in intuitive alternate tunings. Tons o'
frequency modulation..

Anyways, I notice there's not a lot of releases discusson here but
this one is pretty Synth DIY Roots, cool history piece.


Paul Dickow
Community Library/Kranky/Audio Dregs/Entr'acte/ORAC/Dreck/

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