[sdiy] (EU) FS: 650 MIDI>CV + 950 triple PS, 700 Dual VC router, 850 pedal interface

Aaron Day aaron at receive-transmit.com
Thu Jan 29 12:44:07 CET 2009


Apologies for the cross post from MOTM.

I am selling the 650 and the 950 units together for 490€ + post from  
Berlin, Germany. Includes IEC mains lead for the 950  and power lead  
for the 650.

700 Dual VC router: 160€ + ship, includes power lead and documentation
850 Pedal interface: 130€ + ship, includes power lead and documentation

or, all 4 MOTM modules together for 750€ + shipping.

All are in top condition. The 650 was built by Synthtech, the 950, 700  
& 850 were built by me. I have references for module sales I have made  
to other list members.

Photos available.

I also have a CGS48 VCO and MFOS s/h in MOTM format built by J-A Czmok  
+ some other voltage controlled fx & gear FS. Please inquire offline.



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