[sdiy] Random DSP thoughts

Tim Ressel madhun2001 at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 29 11:01:54 CET 2009

--- On Mon, 1/26/09, Scott Gravenhorst <music.maker at gte.net> wrote:

> Different people on the various synth forums and synth
> websites have often said that trying
> to replicate natural sounds is quite difficult due to all
> of the nonobvious nuances within
> the sound.  To synthesize even some of them begins to
> require more and more resources and
> some of them are difficult to discover and model properly. 
> Thus, the answer here is
> usually: if you want a hand clap that sounds natural and
> realistic - use a pair of real hands.

I suspect the approaches used were a little too 'ex libris'. Instead of trying to model the physics, listen to the sound, think about what is happening, then take a quick peek in the book and find out claps are impulses i.e. unit pulses and therefore excite all frequencies. In other words, the room is as important as the clap. I suspect all good clap tracks include room reverb and well placed mics. I've heard it said a blind man can go into a new room, clap his hands, and instantly know where the walls, doors, and obstacles are.

> >VoSim. This is the vowel simulator out of the
> Chamberlin book. 
> >Creates a decaying train of sin^2 pulses with 3
> parameters. Might 
> >make a fun module. 
> I'd like to learn more about what this is.

I'll see about copying the relevant pages from Chamberlin and posting them on my web site. A good one for CSound simulation.


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