[sdiy] EPROM burner recommendations?

Cary Roberts cary.roberts at retrosynth.net
Wed Jan 28 08:04:04 CET 2009

>Which model do you have? My Xeltek SP-3000U can program 2716 EPROMs
>from various manufacturers. You can also request devices to be added
>if they are on already the device list!

I think he was confusing 2716 with 2708.  Most all programmers will read
2708s with the proper adapter and external power supply.  I use an old
PC power supply and a wire wrap socket with the appropriate legs bent
out to read 2708s.  A few (older ELNECs) will program 2708s as well with
the DIY adapter.

As for new programmers the current Xeltek and ELNEC units seem to work
well.  Dataman sells rebadged ELNECS.  I was able to find the $600
Dataman 40Pro on ebay for $250 a few months ago.  Programs way faster
than my older Dataman S4 and is on par with a Xeltek 580 which costs a
few hundred more.


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