[sdiy] help me not electrocute my friend real quick -
Derek Holzer
derek at umatic.nl
Tue Jan 27 11:50:21 CET 2009
just to chime in, I did this same experiment several years ago.
Nothing more is needed than to coat the rear side of the piezo (the
part soldered to) with something waterproof. I used super thick
"Bison" glue, others have recommended plastic dip. Be sure to scrape
the dip away from the "contact" side of the piezo to keep from
muffling the sound. No power runs through the piezo, so there's no
danger of electrocution.
If you wanted something more like a hydrophone, you could make one
with the same piezo:
ANd if you wanted to improve the frequency response of the piezo, you
could make a simple buffer:
Good luck!
> Horton schreef:
>> I'm about to build my friend a contact mic. I found instructions here
>> - http://brokenpants.com/?page_id=94 - and I have a few spare piezo
>> elements hanging around, so I figure it's a quick job, no problem.
>> However, she specifically wants to freeze this mic in ice and use it
>> to record the sound of the ice cracking as it melts. I figure I'll
>> just dip the entire piezo end in plasti-dip, let it dry, and she's
>> good...waterproof. Will that be fine? I have no idea what she'll be
>> plugging it into on her end, but whatever it is, it's coming off of
>> wall power and not batteries.
> --
> Vriendelijke groet,
> Simon Brouwer
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