[sdiy] help me not electrocute my friend real quick -

Horton horton.andrew at gmail.com
Tue Jan 27 01:04:24 CET 2009

I'm about to build my friend a contact mic. I found instructions here
- http://brokenpants.com/?page_id=94 - and I have a few spare piezo
elements hanging around, so I figure it's a quick job, no problem.

However, she specifically wants to freeze this mic in ice and use it
to record the sound of the ice cracking as it melts. I figure I'll
just dip the entire piezo end in plasti-dip, let it dry, and she's
good...waterproof. Will that be fine? I have no idea what she'll be
plugging it into on her end, but whatever it is, it's coming off of
wall power and not batteries.


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