[sdiy] My son's first groove

Magnus Danielson magnus at rubidium.dyndns.org
Mon Jan 26 09:37:52 CET 2009

Aaron Lanterman skrev:
> Today I played some music on the laptop to entertain me while feeding my 
> son Zachary (who we call Z). I noticed he was happily bouncing in his 
> high chair, and then noticed he seemed to be kind of bouncing in sync 
> with the music.
> Curious, I turned down the music. He stopped bouncing, looked 
> nonplussed, and then got mildly fussy. I turned the music back up, and 
> he smiled and started bouncing again.
> A few more repeats of this experiment convinced me that he was, indeed, 
> grooving.
> So what was Z's first groove? "Party Machine," by Bruce Haack.
> "Low low low, like Kurtis Blow.
> Down down down, like James Brown.
> Haack attack is back. Bruce Haack, anti-wack."
> Hah!

This says something about his fathers taste of music... I do not know 
exactly what thought, but I will figure it out. :)

Marvelous little things... nice little experience.


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