[sdiy] Speaking of polysix's..Solution to Rubber CONTACT FAILURES!

Bob Weigel sounddoctorin at imt.net
Mon Jan 26 08:36:15 CET 2009

Indeed..the one I spent HOURS on a few months ago..did not past the test 
of time.  I've had great results in the past reconditioning the contacts 
though it takes time sometimes...a couple hours usually.  And they 
continue being good.  But I got a set of them that will *not* come 
back.  When I tried it a few days ago over 3/4 of the keys wouldn't 
trigger at all.  On the other hand I just sold one that had perfect 
contacts when i got it in (rare) and continued being good through my 
test period of months.   My prediction though is that all of them are 
going to fail eventually and I should probably make a mass number of 
these kits and just warn people that they may need these in the future 
if they own any keyboards that have this type of contact.  As far as I 
know there is *no* source of contacts for any of the products except 
maybe Kawai.  I haven't asked since I don't have trouble with their so 
often.  Roland's also tend to be decent usually though there is some 
cracking happening I've seen on some of the D series ones.  I have some 
brand new D50 contacts btw...those are hard to find also. Casio's also 
seldom fail from what I've seen.

But Korg, memorymoog, ob8, are very fail prone.    -Bob

jure zitnik wrote:

>great news, i have one polysix with almost half keys non-working!
>On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 6:08 AM, Bob Weigel <sounddoctorin at imt.net> wrote:
>>I tried the paint.  It works a lot of the time but i had a few bad
>>experiences; mostly because of not being able to get the paint to lie flat
>>enough I think...
>>I'm having material sent soon hopefully to try out for the *CONTACT ISSUES*
>>though folks.
>>I have a solution finally it appears....  That will allow *easy* (ie. w/good
>>eyes/hands repair a 61 key unit in an hour or so) and *reliable* rennovation
>>of all non-torn rubber bubble contacts!  I've tried it on a polysix I have
>>here.  And it works but I've asked for an upgrade to the material spec to
>>make for a longer lasting solution.  ie. I'd like them to last at least as
>>well as the originals.  20 more years of life hopefully or more.
>>Anyway just wanted to let you guys know first.  OB-8's, Memorymoog's, all
>>poly's, DW's and most Kawai, Roland, and maybe some Yamaha products will
>>benefit from this.  Don't spread the word just yet but I'm pretty confident
>>we'll have a supply of material to properly reface the contacts in short
>>order here.  -Bob
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