[sdiy] faster/looser potis

Bob Weigel sounddoctorin at imt.net
Mon Jan 26 06:16:16 CET 2009

try 'fader lube' possibly by caig.  it will thin down the grease I 
believe some if you spray a little at a time til it feels right. -Bob

Derek Holzer wrote:

> I recently ordered a bunch of Alpha clones to make an 8x8 matrix 
> mixer, and now I have the feeling that they are too tight and don't 
> respond fast enough. Are there any tricks to loosen potis up? 
> Alternately, are there any brands of decent potis people can recommend 
> (preferably with 6mm shaft) that would work better for "action 
> oriented" mixing?
> best!
> Derek

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