[sdiy] faster/looser potis

Mark Rivera marr at lumin.us
Sun Jan 25 15:27:52 CET 2009

Oops! Sorry, I wasn't thinking of 8*8=64!

Derek Holzer wrote:
> Oh but they are are expensive!!!!! EUR 3.81 a piece at Banzai here in 
> Berlin... will have to check for cheaper sources if I need 64 of them!!!!!
> D.
> Mark Rivera wrote:
>>>> I recently ordered a bunch of Alpha clones to make an 8x8 matrix 
>>>> mixer, and now I have the feeling that they are too tight and don't 
>>>> respond fast enough. Are there any tricks to loosen potis up? 
>>>> Alternately, are there any brands of decent potis people can 
>>>> recommend (preferably with 6mm shaft) that would work better for 
>>>> "action oriented" mixing?
>>> Alphas are buttery smooth and nice for a luxurious tweak. If you need 
>>> lightening quick instead, try sealed Bourns. The ones I am thinking 
>>> of are used in MOTM modules. Maybe someone can chime in with what 
>>> series of potis those are.
>>> cheers,
>>> Mark
>> er, actually i just looked, and the 'series number' stamped on the 
>> side is...
>> 95A1A-B28

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