[sdiy] PCB houses

Matthew Smith matt at smiffytech.com
Fri Jan 23 22:04:22 CET 2009

Quoth John Mahoney at 2009-01-24 01:58...
> If anyone knows a [fully] US-based, environmentally-friendly PCB 
> house, let us all know about it.

As this is a DIY list, I should probably remind people that there is a 
DIY option.

For anyone who has been put off doing this by having worked with yucky 
chemicals like ferric chloride, there is always ammonium persulphate, 
which I use.

It's not very expensive to get kitted up.  I bought a heated bubble etch 
tank for under $100 AUD and made my own UV exposure box (for positive 
photoresist) for about $30 AUD in parts.

It can be done, it's not hard and it's considerably less fiddly than 
other tasks we perform (like soldering fine components) and can be 
performed by highly-skilled, conscientious, and ethical people (ie: us 

Suggested link:

That's not to say that I wouldn't use a PCB house, but I would rather 
take the DIY approach where practical since, after all, what I'm doing 
is (mainly) a hobby.



Matthew Smith
Smiffytech - Technology Consulting & Web Application Development
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