[sdiy] PCB houses

Limor limor at ladyada.net
Fri Jan 23 20:28:49 CET 2009

I use Advanced circuits (4pcb.com) exclusively for my kits. The boards 
are fairly priced if you're making a bunch, and the quality is top-notch 
which is the most important thing for me. Made in warm, sunny Boulder 
Colorado. They have a barebonespcb.com cheap-o 2-sided overnight thingy too.

Tom Arnold wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 10:28:57AM -0500, John Mahoney wrote:
>> If anyone knows a [fully] US-based, environmentally-friendly PCB 
>> house, let us all know about it.
> http://www.douglas.com, been in business a long time, located ( actually
> located facilities and all ) in San Leandro, California.  Sadly, not cheap.
> 3 times the cost of import boards in the quantities we want.
> There is another outfit in Redwood City, CA that does PCBoards but I havent
> squeezed a quote out of them.  Local people might remember newspaper
> articles about someone falling into a vat of etchant a year or so back,
> thats the place...  I guess thats once difference, that happens in the US it
> makes newspapers and gets investigated, that happens in China, you have some
> extra organic compounds in your solder mask or something...

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