[sdiy] Proposed DSP board

Rainer Buchty rainer at buchty.net
Fri Jan 23 12:27:11 CET 2009

On Fri, 23 Jan 2009, Neil Johnson wrote:

> Original (F)PLAs and (F)PALs on the other hand started off as fuse 
> (PROM) based, and only became reprogrammable later in life (Lattice 
> Semi, I believe, hitting the market first with their EEPROM-based 
> "isp" devices).

Sure, but PLAs are anyway an architecture-wise different story than gate 

Interestingly enough, the SRAM-based FPGA concept was IIRC also 
developed as a means to circumvent Monolithic Memories' (later AMD's) 
PAL patents.


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