[sdiy] PCB houses

Tom Arnold xyzzy at sysabend.org
Fri Jan 23 01:42:30 CET 2009

On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 12:19:38AM +0000, Tom Wiltshire wrote:
> I've started using Olimex in Bulgaria. I think green is the only  
> option for prototypes.

I've used Olimex for a couple projects and have been on the low side of
satisfied.  One order of boards actually started to delaminate and it was
only a doublesided board, the fiberglass itself started to come apart.  The
board edges are typically not smooth.  Definately prototype quality boards.

> I have to say that I have some doubts about using PCB fabs in China,  
> although they may be cheap. I'm not comfortable with their human  
> rights record, and I don't know that I want my money going to a  
> country like that - hard though that is to avoid.

You can try to aim your money at Hong Kong or Taiwan, but the fabs are
mostly in china in those cases too.  I would love to give my money to a US
based PCB fab that *actually does the work in the US* but I've yet to find
one actually doing work in the US thats within even 30% of the overseas

One way I've solved this is running protos in my garage, I've got a good
system in place so its fairly easy but most people don't want to spend the
time gathering everything needed to make it truly easy to do.

 - Tom Arnold       -  Free Synth DIY webspace http://www.sdiy.org 
 - SynthGeek        -
 - BBD Fanatic      -  "...is it a virus, a drug, or a religion?" 
 - echo evho wjxo   -    Juanita Shrugs. "What's the difference?" 

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