[sdiy] germanium transistors
Tom Wiltshire
tom at electricdruid.net
Wed Jan 21 01:24:31 CET 2009
On 21 Jan 2009, at 00:08, Antti Huovilainen wrote:
> On Tue, 20 Jan 2009, Tom Wiltshire wrote:
>> I wasn't suggesting that you don't test the transistors. I tested
>> all mine for gain and leakage. Then I built the circuit, with a
>> socket. Then I took the mostly likely candidates from the testing
>> and tried them until I found one that had a sound I liked.
> Were there significant differences in sound as long as the gains
> were in range and average gain was close to 100?
> I didn't get enough good germaniums out of the batch to do any kind
> of real comparison and I don't have the pedal anymore.
For the Rangemaster, the recommended gain is between 75-100
(R.G.Keen's Austin Treble Blaster clone). From a batch of ten, I
think I had three good candidates. The asymmetric biasing is also a
big part of the sound (it's only a single transistor circuit so
*everything* makes a difference!) and I found I needed to tweak the
biasing for each different transistor to get the best out of it. I
was surprised at the time how variable they were - there definitely
were clear differences. I guess I've got used to modern components
with 1% tolerances, and that's a million miles from the "3 out of 10"
world of germanium mojo!
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