[sdiy] germanium transistors

Antti Huovilainen ajhuovil at cc.hut.fi
Wed Jan 21 01:08:16 CET 2009

On Tue, 20 Jan 2009, Tom Wiltshire wrote:

> I wasn't suggesting that you don't test the transistors. I tested all mine 
> for gain and leakage. Then I built the circuit, with a socket. Then I took 
> the mostly likely candidates from the testing and tried them until I found 
> one that had a sound I liked.

Were there significant differences in sound as long as the gains were in 
range and average gain was close to 100?
I didn't get enough good germaniums out of the batch to do any kind of 
real comparison and I don't have the pedal anymore.


"No boom today. Boom tomorrow. There's always a boom tomorrow"
   -- Lt. Cmdr. Ivanova

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