[sdiy] Gorf prototype Video

Paul Maddox paul.maddox.mail-list at synth.net
Tue Jan 20 20:55:26 CET 2009


> i think the note divisions should be shown as musically-relevant  
> alphanumeric constructs instead of numbers of clock ticks. like "16"  
> for sixteenth note, "8 T" for eighth triplet, and "1" for whole  
> note. i don't remember if you had dotted values there but you should  
> consider those (i'd use "8 DOT" in the display for a dotted eighth.)

actually that's a really good idea, thanks.
Should be easy enough to do,  simple LUT for the values.

> if you commercialise it, i would love seeing it in a rack box though.

alas, I doubt I'll ever commercialise it.
It'll be a kit, that said, I know Laurie is interested in making it a  


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