[sdiy] Service Manual for Korg Poly61

Louis van Dompselaar louis at dompselaar.org
Tue Jan 20 07:52:57 CET 2009

Can you share the location of this "service website" with us?  The only 
one I know of is Korg UK Support, but that
doesn't seem to have them...

> Hmmm. WEllll.  I checked one other obscure source.  Korg.  hehe.  They 
> finally uploaded these to their service website!  So I have the 
> polysix, Mono/poly and Poly61 now on deck.
> KLM-366 new production for polysix is a little blurry.  Otherwise very 
> readable to fantastic scans
> Poly 61 schematics are still not excellent but more readable than 
> scans that were up it appears.  And the service manual part is great!
> Mono/Poly appears great all the way through!
> So this is a happy day :-) -Bob

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