[sdiy] Gorf prototype Video

Dave Manley dlmanley at sonic.net
Mon Jan 19 23:54:39 CET 2009

FWIW, I haven't tried to run a 7805 off a wall-wart, but a datasheet I 
looked out suggested the input cap was required if the regulator input 
was a large distance from the supply's output cap.  It seems like this 
is the case with a wall-wart, and of course, wall-warts vary, so one 
might work, while another doesn't.


Ullrich Peter wrote:
> Hi Paul!
>>  hehe, I could've used SMD for most of it, but I wanted to make this
>> easy to assemble as a kit. and a lot of DIYers have a phobia of SMD
>> packages.
> I know :-)
> But as a fallback solution if someone has problems with oscillations it could help.
> But for this the 0805 or 0603 SMD caps could also be added to the 7805 pins on the solder side anyway...
> Ciao
> Peter

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