[sdiy] RE: cross-fades (was ...)

Ingo Debus igg.debus at t-online.de
Sat Jan 17 21:25:14 CET 2009

Am 16.01.2009 um 19:45 schrieb David G. Dixon:

>>> Can't you just feed the two signals into either ends of a pot and
>>> grab the result from the wiper?
>> This only works if the two source impedances are zero.  Otherwise
>> you'll never completely select one or the other source at the ends
>> of pot travel.
> ...so this means the signals should be sent through followers  
> first, right?
> So, effective (manual) cross-fader = 1 TL072 + 1 Pot...?

The output impedance of this circuit also varies with the wiper  
position. If this matters or not depends on your application.


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