[sdiy] Trying to find a DMM Probe...

Tom Arnold xyzzy at sysabend.org
Thu Jan 15 23:38:53 CET 2009

I use a particular type of probes on my DMMs.  Sadly I cannot remember what
brand they are to replace them.

The probes themselves consist of a 5" hardened steel spike with a sharp
point and the whole thing is dipped in vinyl.  The end that connectors to
the meter has a boot molded in to it and you just gator clip inside the boot
to the end of the spike.  Only about 1/16" of the probe tip sticks out of
the other end and its extremely sharp.

This ring any bells?   Sadly I've managed to lose one of them so I only have
the black from the set.  These are the most unfancy probes you've ever seen,
were quite common "back in the day".  I'm hoping this rings a bell and
someone can remind me who makes them...

I'll try and remember to take a picture of my one remaining probe tonight in
case that helps ID it...

 - Tom Arnold       -  Free Synth DIY webspace http://www.sdiy.org 
 - SynthGeek        -
 - BBD Fanatic      -  "...is it a virus, a drug, or a religion?" 
 - echo evho wjxo   -    Juanita Shrugs. "What's the difference?" 

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