[sdiy] ELEKTOR back issues in english??/for sale??

Ullrich Peter Peter.Ullrich at kapsch.net
Thu Jan 15 17:36:01 CET 2009

> Elektor is in fact Dutch and they still exist: http://www.elektor.com/
>I don't think they ever published in the US.

But they publushed in the UK! So in British English...
I found some Elektor magazines from UK on Emule... ;-)

>It stopped producing "cool" articles when they moved more and more
>towards computers in the 90's.  In fact, I quit my subscribtion around
>95 or 96 and have only recently resubscribed, but apart from the occasional
>discrete amplifier it's mostly microcontroller-based circuits nowadays.

I had Elektor from about 1990 to about 2005 but the German version...
Since 1997 (I think) they had the whole magazines on yearly CDs for sale.

Same with Elrad which also had some synth electronics (Doepfer circuits, 
Transcendent 2000 synth, drum synth,...) - they sell a DVD with all magazines
On it. Simply scanned but the quality is quite OK.


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