[sdiy] ELEKTOR back issues in english??/for sale??

Louis van Dompselaar louis at dompselaar.org
Thu Jan 15 17:02:09 CET 2009

Elektor is in fact Dutch and they still exist: http://www.elektor.com/
I don't think they ever published in the US.

It stopped producing "cool" articles when they moved more and more
towards computers in the 90's.  In fact, I quit my subscribtion around
95 or 96 and have only recently resubscribed, but apart from the occasional
discrete amplifier it's mostly microcontroller-based circuits nowadays.

>  Does anyone know if during THE GOLDEN YEARS of synth circuits
> , they were a german only mag or were
> they also worldwide? 
> In the US it does not seem easy to find back issues,
> anyone want to sell some old english issues? when did (if ever) this magazine stop having cool articles.???

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