[sdiy] Moog ladder theory questions

Cornutt, David K david.k.cornutt at boeing.com
Wed Jan 14 22:57:06 CET 2009

> From: Jim Patchell [mailto:patchell at cox.net] 

> Assuming that beta in infinite is just a way of making 
> analysis easier in some cases.  

Interesting... I've never seen any writeup of how transistors
work, or how to analyze transistor circuits, that assumes that
beta is infinite.  It seems like it would break most of the math --
if beta is infinite, then emitter current is infinite for any
non-zero value of base current, and so forth.  Maybe that works
for analysis of switching circuits?  (ECL, anyone?)

Now, of course, op-amp tutorials often start out by stating
that a theoretical op-amp is capable of infinite gain.
If I didn't know better, I'd be tempted to say that someone
confused the two concepts.

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