[sdiy] DIY synth album online FREE!

Colin Hinz asfi at eol.ca
Sun Jan 11 22:54:42 CET 2009

On Sat, 10 Jan 2009, peter edwards wrote:

> Hey y'all
> I just recorded a new album and posted it on my website. All of the sounds 
> are generated using my diy modular synth and some modified fx.
> Most modules are MFOS and CGS and some home brew stuff. I don't think my mom 
> likes it so much but I figured some of you guys might get a kick out of it.
> Here's the address:
> http://casperelectronics.com/aboard-a-ship-of-fingers-and-nails/

Haven't had a chance to listen yet, but I've browsed the photos and
some of them are truly amazing! Your packaging/design sense is pretty

How are you making up the panels? I'd guess silkscreening, but please
correct me if I'm mistaken....

- Colin

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