[sdiy] Noobish: Semiconductor Kits & Choosing Components

Alexander Chayka a.s.chayka at gmail.com
Sun Jan 11 03:13:29 CET 2009

Hi All,

I know it's kind of a newbish question, so a simple url would probably
do but....

So the stuff they didnt tell us in the few ECE classes i took is how
to choose real-world components. Break down voltages and Beta values I
understand, but how about noise, temperature variations, etc.? Are
there any commonly used semicondoctor kits (op-amps, diods, BJTs,
FETs)? I'm curently looking to build a few old guitar pedals and play
around with some simple amp and filter circuits. I've searched around
but my Google-fu failed to turn up anything solid.

Thanks for the help.


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