[sdiy] rotary encoder?

Aaron Lanterman lanterma at ece.gatech.edu
Thu Jan 8 18:47:54 CET 2009

On Jan 8, 2009, at 5:11 AM, Tom Wiltshire wrote:

> I've wondered about something like this too, after having seen the  
> nice "virtual pots" on the Nord Lead. The thought was that you could  
> have a ring of LEDs and a single encoder connected to a cheap uP,  
> which would provide LED drive and read the encoder. You could then  
> just treat the whole shebang like a single part and set or read  
> values via SPI (or whatever comms takes your fancy).

My students did exactly that - they put a ring of 8 LEDs around each  

I'll be posting a link to this relatively soon.

- Aaron

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