[sdiy] trying to understand appregiators in late 70's synths

Florian Anwander fanwander at mnet-online.de
Thu Jan 8 15:56:44 CET 2009

Hi Dan

> forgive for being an idiot, but how can i incorporate this into an 
> arppregiator?
Yep. your doubts aren't wrong. This keyboard is only the first step, but
it delivers a key as digital 6-bit word. This has to be 'postproduced'

> due to my lack of german...is it a mono keyboard?
Hmm, yes and no. If you'd put a D/A direct behind the Latch then it
would be monophonic and would always send the highest note.

But one might add further logic to make it polyphonic and need this for
the arpeggiator too. I am only brainstorming (as far as there is any
brain to storm inside my old head ;-)) to the mail client now...: e.g.
for eight voices you need eight latches. The trigger from the 4051 must
be advanced with each new pressed note to the next latch. But then I am
not sure how to act on, if more than eight keys are pressed.

Hmm, looks like something I have to start with some breadboard salad...


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