[sdiy] New TOG board: $0.02 needed

Tim Ressel madhun2001 at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 7 21:17:53 CET 2009

Other Tim,

--- On Wed, 1/7/09, Tim Parkhurst <tim.parkhurst at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'd say you'll want to stick with the closest
> possible emulation of the
> 50240, at least for the first product. Adding PWM would be
> cool, but I think
> you'll get a lot of mileage from just a straightforward
> 50240 replacement.

Agreed. BTW the board that emulates 50240 went out last night.

> If anything, maybe you can assign a single digital input
> pin to set the
> pulse width. Tie the pin high for 50%, and low for 30% or
> something like
> that. 

Good idea. It will take (I think) the next larger CPLD to accomplish. Same package but more guts, and of course, more money. Cheaper to just sell the same hardware with a different software load.

> Add the schmancy PWM stuff to a second product, and
> don't let feature
> creep sidetrack you too much ;-)

Great advice.

I can code it up for a few outputs (maybe a C Maj chord?) and try it out. The really cool thing about the world of configurable logic is, well, its configurable. I can try the serial version, and if it blows, I can switch to the parallel version pretty quickly. If it looks practical I can add it to the totally enormous list of projects.

Tim (designin' fool) Ressel

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