[sdiy] variable width pulse wave for JEFT sample and hold

Ian Fritz ijfritz at comcast.net
Tue Jan 6 19:49:05 CET 2009

Or use Bernie's S/H technique.  Fire a 555 timer powered between 0V and -15V.

At 11:19 AM 1/6/2009, David G. Dixon wrote:

>Why not just use an RC high-pass filter with a time constant of about 10 us
>to generate spikes from the square (0.001 uF and 10 k will do nicely), and
>then shift the pulses with a unity-gain inverting opamp with a voltage 2:1
>divider off the positive input between -15V and 0V so that the output DC
>rides at about -5V and the spikes go up to 0V to trigger the JFET (which, I
>presume, is npn and therefore is full off at about -3.5V and full on at
>about 0V)?

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