[sdiy] Experiment with bandlimited ramps

Seb Francis seb at burnit.co.uk
Tue Jan 6 18:15:22 CET 2009

JH. wrote:
>> For my ears, I think the improvement between 100 and 150 harmonics for the 
>> bass sound is neglible. The extra >harmonics add little or nothing.
> On bass sound,
> I hear a dramatic difference between 100 and 150.
> And still a slight difference between 150 and 200.
> Strange enough, on +1 Oct sound, 200 sounds slightly darker than 150 to my 
> ears.

I'm experiencing this same kind of thing when listening on my laptop 
speakers ...

Ramp100 sounds quite a lot brighter than Ramp150 (a very noticeable 
difference but not what one would expect).  Can't hear any different 
between the higher octave 100, 150 & 200 versions though.

Odd phenomenon that, but like I said this is when listening on my laptop 
speakers.  I'll have a listen in my studio a bit later on some pro. 


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