AW: [sdiy] Swapping copper layers in Eagle

Ingo Debus igg.debus at
Tue Jan 6 12:11:58 CET 2009

Am 05.01.2009 um 22:26 schrieb Tony Rolando:

> I have needed to do something like this in the past. The problem I  
> found is that surface mount parts are not swapped... so what you  
> end up with is a lot of air-wires. The trace is swapped, but the  
> pad is not. For PTH this is no matter, but SMT requires that you go  
> back and mirror every resistor, cap and spin the part about so that  
> it lands on the traces proper. Maybe there is a better way???

Mirror works also on groups. If there's a chance to select all the  
parts you want to move to the other side, you can mirror them all at  


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