[sdiy] Matrix patch panels

David G. Dixon dixon at interchange.ubc.ca
Tue Jan 6 00:00:51 CET 2009


Yes, I'd looked at that before, but found I couldn't make much sense of it
with my small newbie brain.  However, that's pretty much what I had in mind.
I'll have a look at it again, now that I've worked through two digital
electronics textbooks!

David G. Dixon
Department of Materials Engineering
University of British Columbia
309-6350 Stores Road
Vancouver, B.C.  V6T 1Z4
Tel 1-604-822-3679
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-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Fritz [mailto:ijfritz at comcast.net] 
Sent: Monday, January 05, 2009 11:00 AM
To: David G. Dixon; 'Michael Bechard'; 'Synth DIY'
Subject: RE: [sdiy] Matrix patch panels

At 10:55 AM 1/5/2009, David G. Dixon wrote:
>Has anyone else on the list attempted anything similar?

Somewhat similar:


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