[sdiy] Using a metal shear to cut FR4/PCBs

Colin Hinz asfi at eol.ca
Mon Jan 5 01:35:33 CET 2009

On Sun, 4 Jan 2009, Cynthia Webster wrote:

> [I] ordered a larger 12" shear from Grizzly and it's just about perfect.
> http://www.grizzly.com/products/g6089
> So it just means that whatever board you create needs at least one side to be
> 12" or less to fit through the shear.

That's a sweet li'l machine there.....looks like it also would be useful
for bending up chassis boxes at a moment's notice, too.

Alas, Grizzly has a massive hate-on with Canadians (other foreign customers,
sure, but no business to Canada.....hey guys, WTF?), so the best I can
scare up is just a plain ol' shear, like the one from KBC Tools (see
complete catalogue pages):

http://www.kbctools.com/usa/Navigation/NavPDF.cfm?PDFPage=829 [USA]

http://www.kbctools.com/can/Navigation/NavPDF.cfm?PDFPage=829 [Canada]

Anyone have any experience with this one? It looks effective, though
a bit.....crude.

- Colin

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