[sdiy] trying to understand appregiators in late 70's synths

Dan Snazelle subjectivity at hotmail.com
Sun Jan 4 17:12:07 CET 2009

 mark-this idea sounds great

so you are saying to use the shift register idea but combined with switches?

i am all for a box. no keyboard is necessary

would a 4006 work for something like that?


check out various dan music at:



(or for techno) http://www.myspace.com/snazelle

> CC: djhohum at gmail.com; synth-diy at dropmix.xs4all.nl
> From: mverbos at earthlink.net
> To: subjectivity at hotmail.com
> Subject: Re: [sdiy] trying to understand appregiators in late 70's synths
> Date: Sun, 4 Jan 2009 04:49:23 -0500
> The problem, it seems to me, would be that a CV input isn't enough to
> interface with it. It would need a built in keyboard, or MIDI input.
> What about a module with one octave of toggle switches on the panel,
> that you engage and it arpeggiates those? up/down, several octaves as
> an option...
> mark
> On Jan 4, 2009, at 12:56 AM, Dan Snazelle wrote:
>> notime...thanks the idea about shift registers sounds really
>> interesting.
>> i am all for weird and odd (even monophonic) ideas....
>> --------------------------------------------
>> check out various dan music at:
>> http://www.myspace.com/lossnyc
>> http://www.soundclick.com/lossnyc.htm
>> http://www.indie911.com/dan-snazelle
>> (or for techno) http://www.myspace.com/snazelle
>> ________________________________
>>> Date: Sat, 3 Jan 2009 18:53:37 -0800
>>> From: djhohum at gmail.com
>>> To: subjectivity at hotmail.com
>>> Subject: Re: [sdiy] trying to understand appregiators in late 70's
>>> synths
>>> CC: dougt55 at yahoo.com; synth-diy at dropmix.xs4all.nl
>>> If you want it to work in the traditional sense, that is, the
>>> arpeggiator plays the keys that you are holding down at any point
>>> in time then there is really no practical away around using a
>>> microprocessor. I'm aware of duophonic CV keyboards but not more
>>> than that. You have to know which keys are being held down to know
>>> which notes to play. That means having one CV output for each key
>>> that is currently being held down as well as a signal to indicate
>>> that it's being held down
>>> Now, if you're willing to discard the traditional user interface
>>> and settle for something like "the arpegiator plays the last three
>>> notes played in round robin" then you can do it without the
>>> software. Simply use the trigger to gate the CV into an analog
>>> shift register. This will have three (or four, or however many
>>> notes you want to play) stages with individual outputs. Use the
>>> gate to enable playback, this forces you to play legato, but allows
>>> this primitive interface. The playback module is nothing more than
>>> a traditional step sequencer that selects a voltage from the shift
>>> register ouputs. The arp plays while the gate is held down. Very
>>> primitive, but it could work, after a fashion.
>>> You might just use trigger to select between where the next input
>>> to the shift register is loaded from as well. That is, trigger
>>> causes the register stage to load the CV value from the keyboard CV
>>> whereas an absence of trigger causes it to load from the ouput of
>>> the shift register. Again, gate just enables the playback which is
>>> the shift register reloading values at a rate determined by an lfo.
>>> The lfo is also the output gate signal for the synth envelope. So,
>>> when you strike a key the the next loaded value is the key your
>>> playing and that replaces whatever is currently in the ouput stage,
>>> holding the key down causes the notes to be cycled in turn.
>>> On Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 6:28 PM, Dan Snazelle> wrote:
>>> it's not that i am set on NON midi or on MIDI
>>> or even that i am set on mimicking anything
>>> i just want to figure out how the heck to do it!!
>>> i dont really see the need for it to be midi based though.
>>> i am more interested in an appregiator that puts out gate and cv
>>> natively and then i could use some other machine to convert that
>>> INTO midi i guess.
>>> if there is no way to do it without software than i might give up
>>> for a little while at least. i had hoped it could be done
>>> with cmos. but this might push me to learn how to use some kind of
>>> software device. i have thought about learning what the hell
>>> all these pics and microcontrollers can do for awhile BUT i just
>>> dont need one MORE interest that takes all my time right now. :)
>>> thanks guys
>>> --------------------------------------------
>>> check out various dan music at:
>>> http://www.myspace.com/lossnyc
>>> http://www.soundclick.com/lossnyc.htm
>>> http://www.indie911.com/dan-snazelle
>>> (or for techno) http://www.myspace.com/snazelle
>>> ----------------------------------------
>>>> Date: Sat, 3 Jan 2009 18:09:40 -0800
>>>> From: dougt55 at yahoo.com
>>>> Subject: Re: [sdiy] trying to understand appregiators in late 70's
>>>> synths
>>>> To: synth-diy at dropmix.xs4all.nl; subjectivity at hotmail.com
>>>> The ultimate arpeggiator is the Europa Jupiter-6. Check out all
>>>> the features here -
>>>> http://www.synthcom.com/Europa/support/EuropaUserGuideV1.0.pdf
>>>> I think the earliest synth with an arpeggiator was the Jupiter-4
>>>> in 1979. Anyone know of one earlier?
>>>> Doug
>>>> --- On Sat, 1/3/09, Dan Snazelle wrote:
>>>>> From: Dan Snazelle
>>>>> Subject: [sdiy] trying to understand appregiators in late 70's
>>>>> synths
>>>>> To: "sdiy"
>>>>> Date: Saturday, January 3, 2009, 1:59 PM
>>>>> for a long long time i have wanted to be able to understand
>>>>> appregiators.
>>>>> only recently have i started worrying that without
>>>>> understanding some programming, i will never have an
>>>>> appregiator.
>>>>> so it was with great interest that i began looking at some
>>>>> old shematics for ideas last week...jupiters,
>>>>> junos.etc///till i realized that i understood almost none of
>>>>> what was going on
>>>>> as it was working with a CPU
>>>>> so...to make a long story short. WHAT is a realtively
>>>>> simple schematic to look at to TRY to understand synths with
>>>>> appregiators?
>>>>> i suppose the problem is made worse due to the face that
>>>>> without seeing what is PROGRAMMED on the CPU....well maybe
>>>>> this is a useless exercise.
>>>>> i do really dream of having an appregiators for my synths
>>>>> though.
>>>>> thanks
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>>> hohum
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