[sdiy] Jupiter 6 ...dragging parameters around?

Bob Weigel sounddoctorin at imt.net
Sun Jan 4 10:44:19 CET 2009

This thing is acting really strange.  Sometimes I edit and save...it 
seems fine until I go edit something else..then I come back to the 
previous patch sometimes and it has aspects of the previous sound like 
some ring mod built into it!  I have to reboot the machine to get rid of 
the problem and patches return to where they were. I saw the lights bump 
off and on too a few times for no reason.  Anybody seen anything like 
that?  I'm not familiar enough with the unit yet.  Problems seem to 
happen when I go into the preset light being on especially. And I think 
I initially wrote to a preset and it's..gone too. hmm.

Battery is 3.3V..ok.  But this thing was full of corrupt data so I'm 
wondering if just loading patches will clear up things.  I've seen 
strange things with the sci multi-trak in the past where if there isn't 
a good check sum it just locks things up and you can't do a thing with 
it unless.the battery is out :-).  Strange.  But anyway if this triggers 
anything in anyone's memory I'd appreciate a heads up. -Bob

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