[sdiy] *facepalm*

Tim Ressel madhun2001 at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 3 19:07:10 CET 2009

Experience is the best teacher:

I've had boards fab'd, only to discover a near-fatal mistake. It is no fun to shell out money for boards only to find out they don't work. Nowadays when a layout seems complete I let it sit for at least a day without looking at it. This allows the neurons to reset. Then I look over the design (schematic and layout) for errors. If errors are found they are fixed, and the cycle repeated until no more errors. 

Another handy tool when making new library parts is to print out the PCB symbols 1:1 and hold the actual part to the paper to check the footprint is correct. Nothing worse than using the 0.65mm QFP symbol then the part is 0.5mm.

Lastly, download one of the free gerber viewer programs. ViewMate seems to work okay once you understand its interface. Check all layers including the silkscreen layer.


--- On Sat, 1/3/09, Aaron Lanterman <lanterma at ece.gatech.edu> wrote:

> From: Aaron Lanterman <lanterma at ece.gatech.edu>
> Subject: [sdiy] *facepalm*
> To: "sdiy DIY" <synth-diy at dropmix.xs4all.nl>
> Date: Saturday, January 3, 2009, 12:50 AM
> I'm putting the finishing touches on 8 different circuit
> board designs adapting various internal bits of the Buchla
> Music Easel. I'm using the MOTM style connector.
> I just realized I accidentally reversed +15 and -15 on
> every single board.
> Need to do some rerouting...
> Oh, and I just realized that the input circuit that I
> couldn't figure out to the envelope generator makes
> sense once you realize it's a Norton amp and not a
> regular op amp - and oh, my input is on the other side of
> the board of the Norton amp...
> Bah. I thought I was close to having these run...
> - Aaron
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