[sdiy] Ticking noise on a Juno 106 chorus...

Tom Wiltshire tom at electricdruid.net
Fri Jan 2 15:17:07 CET 2009

On 2 Jan 2009, at 14:12, Gil W. wrote:

> Is there any particular component on the Juno 106 amplification/ 
> chorus circuit that could cause one side to make a "tick" noise  
> with every LFO loop ?
> It may sound louder on one side compared to the other, if that  
> helps...
> Replaced the BBD's but no change. Thanks !

I'm guessing, but if it's got the usual triangle/square integrator- 
based LFO, it could be that some of the square wave is leaking into  
the triangle output. That'd cause a regular ticking at the LFO rate.  
The best way to check would be to have a hunt around the LFO with a  

Hope this helps,

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